How To Compose A Body Paragraph Of An Essay

The body paragraph of an essay is where you have the soul of your essay. It is the paragraph where you discuss all your ideas and points of your essay in detail. You have to be detailed in your writing yet comprehensive. Talking about irrelevant things and using ‘filler’ words and sentences can really create a bad impact and you can lose considerable marks as well. All this requires you to research well on the topic and do not leave any loopholes. Make sure that you have gathered enough points and you do have a valid opinion on which you elaborate in the body paragraph of your essay.

Some critical points to remember when writing the body part of your essay:

There are a lot of points which are extremely useful in writing the body part of your essay in a better way. But, following are some of the top points which shouldn’t be ignored under any circumstances if you want to write the body part of your essay in a good way:

  • The body paragraph of your essay should be initiated with your main idea related to the topic. Suppose that you are writing an essay on the topic of ‘Reducing Freeway Congestion’, and then the first line of your body paragraph can be ‘Transportation of general public reduces freeway congestion’.
  • A lot of readers skip straight to the body of your paragraph. Therefore, make sure that you have a good formal start which could easily engage the readers of your essay.
  • Nobody wants to read a very long essay. Therefore, make sure that you say the maximum in as few words as possible.
  • The next step should be to write all your supporting ideas coming from your main idea. Organize them in a nice way such that no idea is overlapping the other idea. Make sure that you do not divert away from your main idea.
  • All your ideas should be elaborated after giving a summary sentence of your main or the supporting ideas.
  • Make sure that the starting of your body paragraph is well connected and linked with the introduction of your essay. There shouldn’t be any abrupt start for your body paragraph, showing no relevance with the introduction. Similarly, the ending of your paragraph should be good enough to lay the foundation for your conclusion.

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