How to convince the reader when writing an essay

Every student is required to write many essays. The primary goal in writing the essay is that you convince the reader of your work of the quality and value of your writing. This is the key to any success as a writer. Does the reader believe what you are saying? Is the reader convinced that you have stuck to the topic, answered the question and followed the rules and regulations regarding the setup of the essay?

It may be difficult to explain how to convince the reader that your essay is a first class document but there is a series of steps you can take which, if followed, will go a long way to making your essay convincing to the reader. Here are those steps.

  • - choose a relevant topic
  • - know for whom you are writing
  • - carry out the appropriate research
  • - use a plan or outline

By following the above steps, sticking to them rigidly and of course understanding how they impact the creation of your essay, you will go a long way to make the reader convinced as they read your work.

Your work will be so much more convincing when you write about a relevant topic. To be absolutely certain that it is relevant, consult your teacher or tutor beforehand and get their advice. Remember the old and tested tip in writing about something you like or are passionate about or have an interest in. When you have some sort of background in the topic before you start to write you give yourself a chance to create something that is seriously convincing.

Who is your reader? If it is an academic at your educational institution, then know they will be experienced in reading hundreds if not thousands of essays. This is not a piece of writing for the general public. Always bear in mind the person who is to read what you are writing and that will point you towards being convincing.

The research you do before you write your essay is vitally important. If you do enough research from a variety of sources you give yourself the ammunition to develop a powerful essay. On the other hand, not enough research or research from irrelevant sources will weaken your ability to be convincing.

And finally, by using a plan or outline before you start the actual writing, you empower yourself with skills and techniques to write very well. When you write very well you convince the reader of your essay to believe what you have written. Visit to get expert help for cheap.

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