15 Examples Of Good Essay Questions For College Students

When writing homework for college, it’s a good idea to have a topic your teacher approves of. There are so many things you could write about, but your teacher is the one grading the assignment. Make sure you follow all of the instructions and are able to understand what’s expected of you.

Writing papers doesn’t have to be hard. It can seem time consuming or difficult to do all the research and then editing it into a good structure. You won’t have to become frustrated if you’re able to focus, know what you’re doing, and ask for help if you need it. It’s not shameful to need to go to your teacher or classmates for help. Look at the question ideas below and pick a few that stick out to you. You can start writing about them to see which ones hold your interest, or even flip a coin to decide! It doesn’t matter as long as you can write a great essay from that topic and get a good grade in your class.

Topics for college essays

  1. Whether you like playing sports or watching them, talk about how sports have affected your life
  2. If you were invited to give a speech at the White House, what would you say?
  3. What do you think is the biggest problem with modern society?
  4. Discuss an unfair law and why it should be broken
  5. Choose a woman from history that you would travel back in time to talk to. What would you ask her?
  6. What invention would you stop from being invented, and why?
  7. Talk about your nickname or real name and its origin
  8. If you taught a college class on any subject, what would you teach?
  9. Do you have a mentor or role model? Tell us about him or her
  10. Discuss a current issue involving your home town
  11. What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?
  12. What physical traits, hobbies or habits have you picked up from your parents?
  13. Choose a photograph from when you were in high school and tell the story behind it
  14. Talk about how colors influence the world and people’s emotional reactions—what is your favorite color and why?
  15. Discuss local food banks and soup kitchens—how do they really help the homeless?

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