Quick Tips On How To Write A Persuasive Essay For 6th Graders

A sixth grade student should be able to effectively give a thesis statement, pick up a side and defend it effectively with sufficient arguments. However, this is not common to all of them. This article is essential for those who wish to learn. The following quick tips should be cohered to:

Take a position

The student should critically cogitate about the given problem and take a side. This should be basically the position which he or she is certain of giving more and elaborate arguments in the body of the text. Do not take a side which you may face challenges in justifying.

Comprehend the audience

You should be well versed with the audience’s view of the problem. For instance, is the reader on the fence or is he or she in support of one side? If you can be able to give an appropriate answer to each of these two questions, then you are in a position to set off.

Conduct an exploration

You need to have an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and the type of information to present. Visit the library and get yourself all the necessary sources from which you can draw your data. These can be books, different journals, magazines and germane content from online websites. This is the concrete evidence set to convince the reader. Identify all the key points that support your side and those that oppose and write them on a piece of paper.

Craft an interesting introduction

You should sustain creativity when it comes to introducing your work. Use synonyms of the most obvious words and let it adopt a lucid flow. Your thesis statement should be clearly brought out. Give the side which you are in support of so that you can defend it in the subsequent paragraphs.

Support your points sufficiently

In the body of the text, craft a leading sentence which stands for the main argument, followed by strong evidence and pertinent examples drawn from the text. These should be well elaborated in such a way that the reader is well convinced that you comprehend what you are passing across.

Craft a brief conclusion

Your concluding part should essentially summarize the main points as presented in the previous paragraphs of the body. Do not add any new idea but you can give your recommendations based on your research.


Read through your work and note any potential typing and spelling mistakes. Correct them appropriately prior to submitting the work.

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